Interlibrary Loan Request

If you've searched our catalog and were unable to find an item you were looking for, we may be able to look outside of our library system and get it through Interlibrary Loan. This service is free of charge to you.

Interlibrary Loan Qualifications:

  • Must belong to New Berlin Public Library (if not, we ask that you request an interlibrary loan from your home library)
  • No outstanding fines
  • Limited to 5 active interlibrary loan requests at one time
  • Items must have been published more than 1 year ago

Please fill out the following form with as much information as possible so that we can find the item you are looking for.

Your Name
Please enter all letters and numbers, no spaces.
Please include any other information about this item that you think would be helpful for us to know.
The Interlibrary Loan process typically takes anywhere from 3-6 weeks from the initial request to getting the item in my hands. Loan periods and renewals may also be different than normal. The Library cannot guarantee that an item can be accessed through Interlibrary Loan, as it is up to the lending library to agree to send an item and to set their own loan periods. At times, an item may simply not be available at all.