If you don’t have a library card yet, see our Get a Card page. If you have a card but get a notice about it being expired, you can renew your card.
Loan Periods
Loan periods vary. Most books check out for 3 weeks, DVDs are 1 week. Our Lucky Day collection and new fiction under 300 pages check out for 1 week. Specialty items vary with 3-day to 2-week check-out periods. (Some items require a signed policy or waiver for checkout. All items must be returned by the due date to avoid fines.)
Please see our policy page for more details or call us.
You can place a hold online from the library website by entering your library card number and password. You can also call us or stop at the circulation desk, and we’ll place the hold for you.
When your item arrives at the library, we will notify you via your chosen option (text, email, or phone). We hold items for 4 days. If we miss you, we’ll send the item back into circulation.
Holds can be picked up at the circulation desk or our drive-up window. Just present your card.
The "suspend hold" feature allows you to adjust the date when you'd like your hold to become active. This keeps your place in line and lets you move up in the holds list, but tells us you aren't ready for the hold to be sent to you until after the date you select.
Follow these steps to suspend your hold:
- Log in to your account at newberlinlibrary.org. (Use your full library card barcode—no spaces—and your pin/password.)
- In the “My Account” listing at the left, click on “Holds.”
- Check the box of any item(s) you want to suspend.
- Scroll down and click the Suspend/Reactivate Selected button.
- Enter a new activation date and click Submit.
- When the new date arrives, your hold(s) will again become active. (If the holds queue was long, you will not lose your place.)
- Click OK to confirm your Change Hold Request. In your holds list, you will now see a new date.
- Log out of your account. We’ll see you at the library!
Renewals & Returns
You may renew most items by logging into your account online or calling us. Renewals will not be accepted on materials with holds or special loan restrictions.
Fines & Fees
The standard book fine is 15¢ per day for each item to a maximum of $10.00 per item. The standard DVD and Playaway View fine is $1.00 per day to a maximum of $10.00 per item. Wi-Fi Hotspots are $2.00 per day; book club kits are $5.00 per day. Various fines apply for specialty items with specific check-out and check-in requirements. Patrons are responsible for understanding these requirements. No fines are charged on days when the library is closed or for most children’s materials checked out on children’s cards with the following exceptions: Playaway Views, backpacks, book bundles and STEM kits.
You may pay with cash or check at the circulation desk. You may also pay online if your balance is greater than $5. (A 5% service fee will be charged for this service.)
For more information, see our Circulation Policies, and check out the CAFÉ Libraries app to manage holds, renewals, and more.