Friends of New Berlin Library
The Friends of New Berlin Library support the mission and vision for the Library with advocacy, volunteerism and funding. Members ensure that the library is funded to support events, programs and facility needs through book sales, gift shop revenue and special events.
Waukesha County Community Foundation-New Berlin Public Library Fund
Through the Waukesha County Community Foundation, donors are able to meet their charitable goals and help grow the Library’s future through permanent endowment funding, project funds and grants.
Holiday Gift Bricks
The New Berlin Public Library's front courtyard is home to a brick patio with names of library supporters, family, friends, and pets. Thank you for considering adding a brick to share in this memorial space and for your support of the Library.
Donor Wall
Additionally, donors may like to select a book plate for the Library’s Donor Wall. Recognition on these book plates may be discussed with Natalie via email, or call 262-754-1819.
Planned Giving
The Library accepts donations from bequests, trusts, or planned giving to the library directly, through the Friends of New Berlin Library or the Waukesha County Community Foundation. For more information, contact Natalie via email, or call 262-754-1819.
Books, DVDs & More
The New Berlin Public Library is grateful to those who give new or gently used materials to the library to enrich our collections. The Library currently accepts books, DVDs, Blu-Rays, music CDs, records and books on CD. We are not accepting reference materials, including encyclopedias, pamphlets, VHS tapes, software, textbooks or magazines. We ask that donations be odor and mold-free.
Regular donations may be left in the Library’s donation drop box in the front lobby. For larger donations, please call ahead, 262-785-4980, and we will meet you at our staff entrance for pick-up. Those items not used for the collection will be placed for sale or recycled.
Please ask for a tax receipt at the time of donation.
Craft Supplies
The MakerStudio is a collaborative library space dedicated to exploring, creating, inventing, tinkering, and hands-on learning! The Maker Studio gratefully accepts new or gently used craft materials, visit the MakerStudio page for a list of accepted supplies. Donated materials may be brought to the circulation desk in the front lobby. For larger donations, please contact us prior to drop-off at
Giving Corner
If you are arranging a charitable collection drive and would like to use the library as a drop-off location for items, please see our Charitable Collection Policy.
Currently the Library is collecting donations for the New Berlin Food Pantry, Owls for Owies and the New Berlin Lions Eyeglass Recycle.