Kit includes books, 1 tarot deck, 1 oracle card deck, 1 chakra stone kit and 1 horoscope game.
*this item has a 7 day checkout period
- 4 books (illustrations ; various)
- 1 tarot deck (78-card waite deck and instruction booklet)
- 1 oracle card deck (44-card deck and guidebook)
- 1 chakra stone kit (7 raw chakra stones, 7 real crystals, with description card)
- 1 horoscope game (100 horoscope cards, 350 ending cards, instructions)
Library of Things Borrowing Guidelines
Borrowers must:
- have a valid CAFÉ library card in good standing.
- understand and sign a liability waiver (if required).
- checkout and return items to the NBPL circulation desk (not drop boxes).
- transport and use materials responsibly.