Library Blog

Wisconsin Holiday Traditions

The holidays are here! ‘Tis the time of year when people across the country are partaking in time-honored Christmas traditions such as sipping a cup or two of eggnog, donning an ugly Christmas sweater and fighting crowds to score that last minute gift.

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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Who says it's too early for Christmas fun? Our library elves have been tinkering away behind the scenes to bring you a sleigh-load of yuletide cheer! So, be sure to check out these holly-jolly events coming your way this holiday season:


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It's Time to Fall in Love with Books Again

For many of us, the ushering in of fall feels much like a second New Year’s Day. There’s a sense of new beginnings in the air as life seems to shift. Children head back to school; we trade swimsuits for sweaters; pumpkin spice starts to make sense.

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Benefits of Reading Every Single Day

It only takes one quick Google search to discover all the ways reading benefits our bodies and brains. From our memories to social skills to even survival rates, the list of potential benefits seems endless.

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